🚀 EAT App Tutorial Videos

Browse our collection of video tutorials designed to help you make the most of the EATucation app! Each video provides clear, step-by-step guidance on key features, so you can easily enhance your teaching and streamline your classroom management.

Sign in page on EATucation app

Signing In & Setting Up Your First Class

This video shows you how to access your EATucation account. When you sign in for the first time, you will be prompted to create a class as part of the sign in process. After you have signed in, you can create more classes in the 'View Profile'.

Using the Teacher Support Page & 'Question Mark' button

The Teacher Support age allows you to track your own onboarding process and access new updates, features, and information. The 'Question Mark' button gives you quick access to Guidance Documents and Tutorial Videos.

Adding & Managing Classes

This video shows you how to add a class and manage your classes.

Assigning, Finishing, & Withdrawing a Unit

This video explains how to assign a unit to a class, finish a unit, and withdraw from a unit. Note: You will need to assign a unit to a class before you can access the unit's Lesson Guides and Resources.

Unit & Lesson Structure

This video walks you through the structure and layout of our units and lesson.

Assessment Tasks for Learning (ATL) and ATL Dashboard

This video shows you how you can use the Assessment Tasks for Learning (ATL) and our ATL dashboard to help your ākonga track their progress and reflect on how they can improve.

Using Rubrics

This Tutorial Video explains how to use our ATL and recipe rubrics.

EATucate Enquiry Cycle (EEC)

This Tutorial Video explores our EATucate Enquiry Cycle (EEC).

Uploading Photo Evidence

This Tutorial Video demonstrates how to use our Upload Evidence tool to ensure your ākonga never lose their evidence again!

Ākonga Logging In & Joining Your Class

This Tutorial Video shows how ākonga will join your class by signing into the EATucation App.