Why New Zealand kaiako are choosing EATucation

At EATucation, we don’t charge per unit or assessment

Our annual subscription of $20 (excl. GST) per student, per year gives you access to everything we have to offer!

Don’t pay more for less, join EATucation today!

Scroll down to see our pricing structure...

How EATucation pricing compares to the market (NCEA only)

NCEA Annual Subscription

We believe in providing the best value at the lowest possible price. 

Your annual subscription gives all staff unlimited access to the wealth of resources in our Online Learning Platform.  

  • EATucation NCEA


    per student per year (excl. GST)
    NCEA Level 1, 2, & 3

    Includes access to all Lesson Plans, Demo Videos, Recipes, Student Workbooks, and Pre-Moderated NCEA Assessments.

    This price is a one-off annual payment (not per unit!) and includes full access to the EATucation program.