📚 Year 0-6 📚

What EATucation offers

At EATucation, we don’t charge per unit!

Our annual subscription of $10 per Year 0-6 learner (excl. GST) gives you access to everything we have to offer!

What EATucation offers

Culture First

Our commitment to culturally responsive teaching practices ensures ākonga can celebrate their cultural heritage within a safe and inclusive learning environment. Our resources provide opportunities for ākonga to bring their prior knowledge and cultural backgrounds into the classroom, where they can be shared and celebrated. In doing so, we create a rich, multicultural dialogue around food that acknowledges cultural diversity, honors Te Tiriti o Waitangi, and strengthens community bonds.

Safe Food Narratives & Body Image Development

Our resources are crafted with input from Nutritionists and Eating Disorder Mental Health Specialists, ensuring they are evidence-based and sensitive to young people's needs. Our approach actively avoids guilt/shame narratives as this language has been shown to be harmful, particularly for minoritised students and those experiencing food insecurity. We focus on fostering a balanced relationship with food by promoting its positive role in community building and self-discovery. By empowering ākonga with the gift of food literacy, we encourage informed food choices that support positive body image development.

Dyslexic and Neurodivergent Considerations

At EATucation, we believe that cooking is a universal language that embraces diversity. We aspire to empower all neurodivergent ākonga by helping them find their unique recipe for success!

All our resources are compatible with text-to-speech tools and can be read aloud to students. We also use neurodivergent-friendly fonts and have supportive word and page spacing and formatting to support reading and ākonga accessibility.

Year 0-6 Units

Each unit connects to a specific curriculum area, and all of our units prioritise and teach the Refreshed Literacy & Numeracy curriculums.

We connect food literacy to the subjects kaiako teach every day to ensure we never add another job to your list. Instead, we give you the gift of time with ready-made resources that are a breeze to deliver and empower your ākonga with essential and practical life skills!

EATucation’s ready-made resources draw on our Food Literacy Framework to support kaiako in providing their ākonga with life-extending food literacy by connecting a range of curriculum areas to food education.

All our units come jam-packed with ngā tikanga o ngā kai and te reo Māori resources!

We update existing units and introduce new units each year to ensure our resources align with each learning area's curriculum refresh

See below for our 2025 units!

🌱 Years 0-3

Careful Cooks - Health and Physical Education Curriculum (Classroom Based)
In this unit, ākonga learn the basics of kitchen safety and hygiene through a range of games and hands-on activities, ensuring that their food preparation is both fun and safe! 

Lunchtime Legends - Technology Curriculum (Classroom Based with optional practical food activities)
In this unit, ākonga unpack how the Technological Process can help them design the perfect lunchbox! This unit is better suited to a time and space that allows for hands-on learning with food but is adaptable to any school setting!

Kai, Whānau & Hapori - Social Sciences Curriculum (Classroom Based)
In this unit, ākonga explore how food brings whānau and community together, celebrating the joy of shared meals and traditions. 

Super Snacks - Technology Curriculum (Classroom Based with optional practical food activities)
In this unit, ākonga discover how the Technological Process can support their busy days with regular snacks! This unit is better suited to a time and space that allows for hands-on learning with food but is adaptable to any school setting!

🌿 Years 4-6

Kai-Tech Innovators - Technology Curriculum (Classroom Based)
In this unit, ākonga learn all about technology in the whare kai! From hāngi to air fryers, potato peelers, and pātaka, it's all part of the great technological journey! 

Eco-Kai Creators - Science Curriculum (Classroom Based)
In this unit, ākonga explore the connection between our kai and te taiao, learning about sustainable food practices, the importance of biodiversity, and how our kai choices impact our ecosystems.

Noodle Ninjas - Technology Curriculum (Classroom Based with optional practical food activities)
In this unit, ākonga utilise the Technological Process to delve into the delicious world of noodles and learn how to turn their pot of noodles into a nourishing meal! 

Pizza Party - Social Sciences Curriculum (Classroom Based with optional practical food activities)
In this unit, ākonga discover how pizza can be used to learn how kai is connected to our past, present, and future by exploring identity, culture, place and environment!