Discover how you can join the EATucation movement
Welcome to EATucation! Explore our website to learn why EATucation is vital for New Zealand schools and how we foster thriving communities.
Once you are ready for a firsthand taste of the value EATucation can provide your school, get in touch to start your free trial!
Your trial gives you access to the EATucation Mobile and Desktop App where you can delve into our step-by-step lesson plans, exciting learning resources, captivating videos, and a wealth of supplementary literacy, numeracy, and te reo resources, as well as relief lessons for those unforeseen moments!
Congratulations on joining the EATucation movement! Complete our simple school registration to grant your kaiako and learners access everything EATucation has to offer.
Once kaiako has assigned their class a unit, the learning can begin! Our units have Assessment Tasks for Learning throughout the lessons to streamline assessment, enable reporting, and track learners progress.
As your school delivers more EATucation units, you will begin to see the EATucation difference as your community's food literacy and environmental awareness grows and your learners become confident food leaders kick-starting the generational change New Zealand needs!
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